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Calm hypnobirthing baby

What are the benefits of hypnobirthing?

Hypnosis for childbirth has many benefits – however, and wherever you plan to give birth. We take a look through some proven benefits of hypnobirthing, and the ways it helps you have an amazing, positive birth experience.

Using hypnobirthing drastically reduces fear and anxiety about giving birth

Reducing fear and anxiety about birth is one of the biggest benefits of hypnobirthing, as we go on to find out. You see, fear and anxiety hinder the progression of birth, setting off a fight-or-flight reaction. In turn, this inhibits your ability to give birth. So, we cover this process, and the optimal conditions for birth in my hypnobirthing classes, held in Dorset, Devon, and online.

Hypnobirthing reduces the length of your labour

Hypnobirthing is clinically proven to reduce the length of labour, by 3.23 hours for first-time mums and 52 minutes for subsequent labours. Amazing! Interestingly, the reason behind this is likely largely down to my previous point. That is to say, reducing anxiety allows us to “get out of our own way” and labour to progress optimally.

Using hypnobirthing reduces the need for chemical anaesthesia and analgesia

During hypnobirthing classes, we learn various ways to manage discomfort and pain. This includes visualisation techniques, hypnotic anchoring, and harnessing the mind-body connection, for example. Not only this but managing fear and anxiety has a huge effect on our experience of pain! In short, the more relaxed we are, the better we feel.

The rates of intervention and complications are reduced by using hypnobirthing

Amazingly, 84% of hypnobirthing mums have no complications or interventions and have a straightforward, uncomplicated birth.

Mums who use hypnobirthing feel the benefit to their mental health

Becoming a parent is one of the most rewarding, yet challenging things we can do in life. It changes everything, and some low times mixed into the experience is normal. Unfortunately, more than 1 in 10 women experience postnatal depression within a year of giving birth. And, tokophobia (or phobia of childbirth) is linked to an increased likelihood of developing post-natal depression. However, hypnobirthing reduces the risk of postnatal depression and anxiety.

For those who have previously experienced a traumatic birth, hypnotherapy gently helps you process the past event and heal the trauma surrounding this.

Learn skills for life, not just for labour

I firmly believe that hypnobirthing techniques are tools for life, not just for labour. Many self-regulation practices covered in class are useful for navigating challenging times with a newborn. Plus, using hypnosis for childbirth increases the likelihood of positive postnatal reflection, so that we see our birth experience positively when looking back on it. 

If you would like to know more about hypnobirthing classes in Bridport, Dorset; Axminster, Devon; or Online, please get in touch for more information. 

My goal is to give you the necessary tools to have a positive birth experience, however you plan to give birth. I am trained as a hypnobirthing instructor via Easibirthing®; a method developed in conjunction with midwives and available to trained hypnotherapists only. 

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