Hypnobirthing classes in Axminster, East Devon

Prepare for a calm and positive birth experience using powerful hypnotic techniques,

A full birth prep class developed in conjunction with midwives, empowering you to approach birth confidently.

Group and private sessions available.

Join hypnobirthing classes to:

  • Build confidence in your innate ability to give birth. 
  • Discover the anatomy of birth, and find out everything you need to know about the birth process. This is a full birth prep class
  • Learn hypnotic techniques that will help you to stay in control throughout your labour.
  • Let go of any fears and negative views you have of birth.
  • Meet other expecting parents and enjoy friendly and relaxed sessions with a qualified hypnotherapist and Easibirthing® instructor. Groups of no more than 4 sets of birth partners.
  • Receive ongoing support and guidance in the lead-up to your due date.

These classes are designed to support you however you wish to give birth – they are a judgement-free and supportive space.

All births are special and one way isn’t “better” than another. My goal is that you will finish our sessions feeling ready and confident in your birth choices, whatever they may be.

Hypnobirthing for elective caesarians is also available as shorter private classes – please get in touch to find out more.

Class options and prices

Classes are taught over four sessions of approximately two hours each. They are suitable from around 20 weeks of pregnancy, whether you are planning a home birth, hospital birth, or at a birth centre.

One-to-one course: £320

Group course: £165

Both courses include:

5 hypnosis recordings to listen to in the lead up to and during your birth

Course handbook packed with notes and helpful information

This course covers:

  • The anatomy and process of birth, and what to expect at each stage of the journey
  • Knowledge of how to manage pain and discomfort
  • How to work with your hormones to help support what your body is naturally trying to do
  • Anxiety and fear reduction techniques, in turn reducing pain and the length of labour
  • Birth choices, including where to give birth, medication options, induction options, and much more

Want to chat?

I welcome questions and am very happy for you to contact me by phone, email, or via my contact form. There is no obligation to book if you do.

I’m looking forward to hearing from you! 

Forth and Bloom is a trading name oF ACTV-UK Limited · A company registered in England and Wales · Registered Office: 128 High Street, Crediton, Devon, EX17 3LQ · Company No. 10609946